A General Theory of Membrane Transport from Stydies of
Bacteria (1957) [DJVU]
Coupling of Phosphorylation to Electron and Hydrogen Transfer
by a Chemiosmotic Type of Mechanism (1961) [DJVU]
Chemiosmotic Coupling in Oxidative and Photosynhetic Phosphorylation
("First Book", 1966) [DJVU-1]
Translocations through Natural Membranes (1967)
Chemiosmotic Coupling and Energy Transduction ("Second
Book", 1968) [DJVU-1]
Vectorial Chemistry and the Molecular Mechanics of Chemiosmotic
Couplig: Power Transmission by Proticity (1976) [DJVU-1] [DJVU-2]
David Keilin's Respiratory Chain Concept and Its Chemiosmotic
Consequences (Nobel lecture, 1978) [PDF]
* * *
A.R. Crofts, "Peter Mitchell and the Chemiosmotic
Hypothesis" [HTML]
J.N. Prebble, "The Philosophical Origins of Mitchell's Chemiosmotic Concepts" [DJVU]
L.E. Orgel, "Are you serious, Dr Mitchell?" [PDF]
В.П. Скулачев, "Рассказы о биоэнергетике" (фрагменты книги) [HTML]
В.П. Скулачев, "После захода солнца" [HTML]
M.H. Saier Jr., "Peter Mitchell and the Vital Force" [URL]
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